Author Archives: Davilyn

Memoir Writing Prompts

My Project 2-001

Og Mandino said this great quote. One of my all time favorites

Do you believe things happen for a reason?  What is a coincidence that was memorable to you?  Do you believe it was coincidence or was there a reason for it?

What was your favorite food growing up?  How have your eating habits changed since then?  What do you love to eat now that you would never eat as a child?

Remember when…..

A person who was a great mentor to you, even though they never knew it.  Who, what, when, where and why

If you could change one thing about your past what would it be and why?  How would you make it different?

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Thought Writing

One of the easiest ways to free write, is to set your timer – say for 10 minutes – get your paper and pencil or computer ready, push start and go.  Start writing about the first thing that pops into your mind once the timer is My Project 3-001going.  Keep writing about everything as it pops into your mind.  Just write continuously until your timer dings and then stop. 

Sometimes you will have the makings of a good short story, and other times not so much, but you will be training your brain to write.  If you ever cannot think of things to write about, just start writing about what ever wanders into your head.

Look at Dr. Suess’ writings.  I am sure he had some really strange things wander through his thoughts.  Lucky for him he started writing them down and created some fantastic stories. 

Never rule out the crazy or random ideas that scream at you.  They could be great!

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Obsolete Children

tiny_OnlyOldOnceDr. Suess said: “Adults are just obsolete children.”  Do you agree or disagree and why?

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I Believe In Magic

You have been transformed into a magical creature / being.  You have the special abilities and great powers.  What are your abilities?  How do you use them for good?  For bad? 

Carry on and create a short story.  Include some of your mystical friends with their abilities.  Where do you live? 

Be creative – it is after all creative writing!

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5 Random Writing Prompts

Do you have a favorite quote that you say over and over?  What is it and why do you love it? My Project 1-001

Turn to any page of your favorite book.  Take the first sentence and make it the first line in your story or post.

Open your newspaper.  Pick a headline that strikes you.  Make this the title for your short story.

Pick the main line in your favorite song.  Write a story or post about that line, using it as the title.

Write a story or post with an open ending.  You could leave your readers hanging for awhile, then write several alternate endings, perhaps even leading them on an adventure chase to find the ending they want by posting the endings on different pages on your blog or site and have them search for the one they like best.

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Writing Prompts

Don’t we all love writing prompts?  I sure do.  I have been collecting them for years!  I write random things, according to the random writing prompts or random thoughts that go through my head at any given second of any day.  I am always thinking writing prompts and stories!

This site is dedicated to the randomness of writing.  It doesn’t always have to be planned out.  I doesn’t always have to be anything!  Sometimes is can be just random for the heck of it, and that’s okay!  I LIKE RANDOM!

Here is to Random Writings and Prompts….Hope you like it.  It is a work in progress and until I start to get all of the stuff I have loaded on here, you will see bits and pieces.  Hang in there – I have a ton coming!


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